Monday, August 16, 2010

Many ask me WHY?

Many ask me "Why I believe, Why I love and follow Jesus. How could I stand firm on my faith when I have been allowed to go through.... sexual abuse, multiple miscarriages, so much hurt, being allowed the pain and discomfort of fibromyalgia, polycystic kidneys and PTSD...?"

I think this poem says it all!

You Ask Me Why I Follow Jesus

You ask why I follow this Jesus?
Why I love Him the way I do?
When the world’s turned away from His teachings
And the people who serve Him are few.

It’s not the rewards I’m after
Or gifts that I hope to receive
It’s the Presence that calls for commitment
It’s the Spirit I trust and believe.

The Lord doesn’t shelter His faithful
Or spare them all suffering and pain,
Like everyone else I have burdens,
And walk through my share of rain.

Yet He gives me a plan and a purpose,
And that joy only Christians have known,
I never know what comes tomorrow,
But I do know I’m never alone.

It’s the love always there when you need it;
It’s the words that redeem and inspire,
It’s the longing to ever be with Him
That burns in my heart like a fire.

So you ask why I love my Lord Jesus?
Well, friend, that’s so easy to see,
But the one thing that fills me with wonder is
Why Jesus loves someone like me.

– Author Unknown


Tina S said...

Amen! We all have issues and events in our lives that we wish were different....some may be worse than others. But God uses those very things to make us into the people He wants us to be! An early miscarriage, the death of our daughter, Amy, at 15 years of age, multiple serious health issues, deaths of family members and loved ones--the list could go on and on. But each event causes me to grow closer to the Lord and strengthens my faith and trust in Him. I appreciate the beautiful reminder.

Cynimin said...

Amen! Can I 'borrow' that poem to post for others?

Shari said...

very nice!!!!! More people need to see this poem & live by it. So much any more people only think of the bad things! We need to think of the good!!!!

Bette said...

I think we all need to copy that and stick it where we can see it every day. Thanks for sharing.

Carolyn NC said...

I love this!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love this poem. Thanks for sharing. And all those posts about procrastination have really spoken to my heart too.