The beginning of the week started with my oldest daughter requesting to go live with her dad. I reluctantly agreed only for the summer. (this tore me up)
Then yesterday, more stepson issues to the point I was really having problems.
Now comes the kicker.
We had gotten approval for a loan modification after fighting for a year and a half... although, it is still a little high, since i still have not been able to find work. Being under the understanding that there would be a month before the new amount went into affect. (we were under the understanding that we had the option of paying June's mortgage or having a free month so to speak)
So I had arranged everything to where we would use the free month to pay off debt to better our credit. Only to find out that we do not get a free month to pay off bills. So the normal monthly bills I put off to line the mortgage payment to the correct paycheck. Only to now realize that those normal monthly bills are going be very late or some utilities shut off.
SO here is where I say I need someone's help..... I have the following for sale and need your help to either purchase the items or pass this on to others....
FOR SALE>>>>>>
Cross Stitch Magazines *** See my Sale/Trade blog***
All these knitted baby hats are 5.00 each plus shipping. (will combine shipping)