I have decided to update you on a few things.
1. My sister did not get the one house she had wanted but I got word on Friday that she made an offer on a home that had just been put on the market that day. She wants this house more than anything at the moment and I hope and pray she gets it.
2. I am in the pin pillow exchange that
BeckySC is putting on and I am a little disappointed at the moment since I mailed it out over 2 weeks ago to the recipient. (bad me... should have put a delivery confirmation on it) I have had no word on whether or not it has been received or not. I hope and pray that it is received soon or that whomever did get it really needed the pick me up.
I have decided to go ahead and post a picture of it.
******* Update.******* The recipient of this beautiful biscornu has let me know that it was received and dearly loved.... YES! YES! YES!

3. I am so thankful that Spring Break is over..... I will be able to relax more even though I am still looking for a job. The kids have been stressing me out bad..... How is it that our kids can find the most annoying friends to have come over and hang out with?
4. Thanks to the help from
TracyJ, I was able to find a mistake in a UFO stitching piece that I am dying to finish for my mother. "The Old Rugged Cross by VeraK" . I have also put some stitches into long time WIP "Jesus Wept" just not enough to take a picture.
5. I did get an award from
Karen and
Cynimin and will get that post here this week. "THANK YOU LADIES!"
Well this is my update on things right now.... Hope to update you with pics of the above two pieces soon.