Saturday, June 06, 2020

Finally decided to update

Sorry it has been so long since I checked in. 
I have had another grandson and twin grand daughters born. 

As of 2 years ago, I have gotten divorced, lost my mother, moved from Az leaving my sister and kids(who are adults). I had to start a new life and in a slower environment.  

Since this move I have lost my vehicle to repo, lost several jobs... Also been tested in many ways. My faith is strong and slowly getting back to my crafting.

I also have a new outlook on life.... don't take anything for granted. Your life could change in any moment.

To explain a little more... May 30th 2018.

My love woke up, sat at the edge of the bed, took a drink of water and stood up. As soon as that happened he hit the floor and was found in the middle of a full blow seizure. (Never had a seizure before) He injured himself in the fall breaking his back in two places. (One vertebra crushed) He is now a paraplegic working to get his legs back but will always be a paraplegic. 

So like I said, never take anything for granted.