Monday, July 15, 2013

I am on a roll!!!!

I am on a roll. This is a start from last year that needed to be finished. This is finish #4 for 2013
I am in a stitching mood like you would not believe and I am determined to finish a bunch of these projects so that I can feel good about them being finished.
This is one that I was making for my husband for our anniversary. Better late than never. LOL

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Another quick finish

This makes my 3rd finish for the year. Another coaster.
Feels good to finish something as this years stitching has been near to none and I miss it.
I need to get back to my WIP's soon.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I was asked to post an update on my Jesus wept piece ... it has been a while since the last one after my restart due to pattern error. So here is the update with the pic of the painting to show what it will look like when done hopefully.

Remember this is only the very tip of the top left of that painting.

My second finish for 2013

In between doing a little work on my 3 WIP's. (Jesus Wept, Touching the Autumn Sky and Deepest Love)
I threw in a small piece. It was a small framed piece but I put it into a coaster instead.
What do you think?
This goes great with what is going on in my life right now.
God is really starting to pour some blessings and hoping the blessings keep flowing my way.
I believe and have faith that HE is in control and will provide.