Monday, November 12, 2012

A disappointing update

For those that have been following me when it comes to my stitching of Jesus Wept....
I had to frog a big spot and thought that I had overcame a big problem.... only to find that when I made the pattern I had not realized that a couple of the symbols were too similar to tell the difference. Also two of the symbols were missing. Then found that my saved copy on the computer was gone.

Satan really does not want this piece to be stitched or to inspire others and be stitched by others.

I therefore, got back on the drawing board and remade the pattern and made sure every symbol was accounted for and also that all the symbols were easy to distinguish from each other.

So after doing that I got back into stitching it and decided to this time do it on 32 count Belfast linen.

Here is my progress so far.... I have almost put in 750 stitches in the past 24 hours....
I am determined to get this done and draw hope and faith more and more through this inspirational piece.

I hope you all will stand behind me and cheer me on as it progresses.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

My newest stitching finish

Well I picked something small to get my stitching motivation back.

I made this frog towel and he has 3 more buddies that I intend to make.
I think he came our great but he did give me some issues... guess he got his non-cooking buddies to bug me.
Finish #6 for this year.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Well we lost another great

Back in March of last year we lost the gentleman responsible for Kreinik Manufacturing.... What a great company dedicated to stitching supplies.

Now we have to say goodbye to his wife who went to Heaven to join him for the eternal party.

May their family find peace and comfort in knowing that they are in each others arms and also waiting until the day their love ones can join them.