It first started off last night when I chopped my hair and bought the bottle to color it.
I am not sure how much I like the cut but you cannot change what has been done. LOL
My daughter decided that she would do the coloring part of my new look.
Then I get up and there is a message on freecycle about a florist shop that is giving away free a dozen roses to whomever shows up. The catch is you have to give a rose to 11 people and keep one for yourself in remembrance of 9-11.
So in the memory of those lost and in doing my own birthday wish I went and picked up my dozen roses.
I got at least 2 hugs from strangers and got so many Happy Birthdays today. It felt good.
I also had a birthday celebration today with my family. I got a stuffed Eeyore, Eeyore pajamas, angel earrings, angel windchime, and white moccasins bootie shoes.
The only bad part of my day was when I was on my way to get my dozen roses I seen a car accident.
I had to pull over for a while as I cried hysterically and prayed that God would wrap His loving arms around the lady that was in the accident.